This simple yet enchanting smallsword was designed to match our client's existing sidesword - inspired by the Wallace Collection's A535. With the A535 in mind, we gave the smallsword a spherical pommel and a slender black bar guard with distinctive swollen terminals and carved details to the quillon, knucklebow and protective ring. We added the brown leather grip, filled and pierced port and pommel carvings to match the personalised details of our client's sidesword. Little but fierce, the Hermia is nimble in the hand and carefully balanced for swift yet precise actions. Please see our pricing structure for an idea of what a similar sword would cost.
∴ Specs ∴

Total length: 99cm
Blade length: 86cm
Blade width at base: 2cm
Grip length: 9.5cm
Grip and pommel: 12.5cm
Quillon span: 12cm
Weight: 460g
Point of Balance: 14cm
Fencing flex
2mm edges
Swollen tip
∴ Notes ∴

The hand-forged heat-treated guard and pommel are blackened to a matte finish. The ring and knucklebow feature hand-carved decoration, matching the swellings to the quillon and knucklebow terminals.
The filled port is pierced with a pattern of five flowers, while the hollow spherical pommel boasts a carved design and a copper peening block.
The oak grip is wrapped first in linen twine, and then in a dark brown leather.
∴ Gallery ∴
∴ A Fierce Contender ∴

You curse as your finger finds the errant point of a hairpin, then glance about to be sure no one heard. It isn’t decent, apparently, for a lady to use such language. Pressing the pin more firmly into your tightly wound bun, you pluck another from between pursed lips and fix the last curling tendrils in place.
You step back to appraise yourself in the mirror: small, as your opponents do not hesitate to mention. Petite, if you're being polite. A small, heart-shaped face stark against the severe hairstyle. A high, unadorned neckline, a tightly cinched waist - and a red heart sewn over your left breast. You always were the sort to wear your heart for all to see - your opponents learn all too quickly that this is not a weakness.
You cast a wicked little smile at the prim reflection. The truth is, you will always be underestimated in this game. For your sex, your slightness, or your sentimentality. Somehow, after all these years of duelling and winning, they still refuse to see you coming. And that is your greatest weapon - or one of them, at least.
The other is propped against the wall beside the mirror, always in sight - always in easy reach. Small and neat like her wielder, she is adorned in swelling black bars and simple brown leather; a pattern of five flowers for luck, should you need it. There is something of the magic wand to her nimble elegance - and that is proper, too, as there are certainly those who would call you a witch.
Closing your hand around the familiar leather grip, you part from your image with a last curt nod, and turn toward the door. It’s time to prove another opportunist wrong.